Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Curb Cravings

Having cravings is one of the hardest things to deal with when you are trying to convert to a healthy lifestyle. Ladies, you know that there is a certain time of month when you just want to put on some sweatpants, curl up with a bag of chocolate and glass of wine, and watch TV shows about women who kill because you feel like killing someone right about now (especially if you don't have enough chocolate).

Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is chocolate IS good for you! The bad news is kind you are eating is probably bad for you. So what do you do about your cravings for chocolate, sweets, fast food, and salty snacks?

1. Craving Chocolate
According to the User's Guide to Nutritional Supplements, studies show that women tend to crave chocolate before their period because of a lack of magnesium. Chocolate has a very high level of magnesium, but those sugar filled, high fat candies aren't a good substitute. The fat makes it difficult to absorb the magnesium and the sugar is just flat out bad for you!

So what do you do?

First, I would suggest taking a magnesium supplement. In addition to being great for curbing your monthly cravings it has also been shown to help you relax. Who doesn't want to kick their out of control craving AND feel relaxed when they have PMS?

We could do an entire post on Magnesium (and probably will in the future). Magnesium is used by every organ in the body, and is particularly important for the nervous system, heart, bones, and immune system. Low Magnesium levels are linked to a variety of problems, including anxiety, depression, diabetes, migraines, heart rhythm abnormalities, osteoporosis, PMS, and restless leg syndrome. Furthermore, most Americans are deficient and since magnesium is stored in cells, blood serum testing is nearly useless in diagnosing magnesium deficiency.

So where can you get magnesium? A great source is from dark leafy greens, so keep on eating those! Big salads, sauteed veggies, or even a handful of spinach in your smoothie (trust me it tastes good!) will give you a boost of magnesium. Nuts, particularly almonds and cashews, are also high in magnesium.

But if you just have to have that darn chocolate, consider some that is very low in sugar. I like World Market 99% cacao. At first you might find it bitter because you are used to eating sugary chocolate but assure you it helps with cravings and has very little sugar. You could also use unsweetened baker's chocolate. Most of the time, I try to get 90% or darker.

Need a brownie? Try this dairy free, gluten free recipe from Sweet Sugar Bean. Dates and figs are naturally sweet and then you add cocoa (I like dark cocoa) to get a fudgy chocolate brownie that is actually good for you!
Yes, these are healthy!

2. Craving Sweets
If you are craving sweets all the time, chances you are on a high carb diet. Cut back on the carbs and I bet you will see a difference. Here is a great article on what to do to get rid of your sugar cravings. It offers suggestions on some supplements to take as well. You will get through it! Trust me, I am a recovered sugar addict.

Sometimes you just want something sweet. Well, aside from the above mentioned brownie let me offer a few healthy replacements for a sugary treat!
  •  Bananas-Throw them in your smoothie to sweeten it naturally or have it as a snack with a bit of natural peanut butter. 
  • Medjool Dates-These dates are big, soft, and sweet. They are my go to sweet snack. They are great in protein bars or on their own!
  • Yams-a baked yam with a bit of butter and cinnamon is naturally sweet. You will find that as you cut out sugar from your diet that something as simple as a yam is all the sweetness you need!
  • Cantaloupe-One of the sweetest fruits out there, in my opinion.
3. Craving Salt
Salt cravings can sometimes mean you are dehydrated, so always drink lots of water! But it can also mean that pesky magnesium deficiency  Yep, not getting enough magnesium can cause salt cravings in addition to chocolate cravings.

 Please don't fill up on pretzels, chips and other salty junk food! Here are a few substitutes:
  • Dill pickles-I find that something with vinegar curbs my cravings. I love pickles, especially dills or cornichons. The best cornichons are at Trader Joe's. Trust me. 
  • A small potato with salt and butter-a little salt here and there isn't bad for you, so why not have a small potato with grass fed butter instead of those fast food fries?
  • Popcorn-Pop some popcorn on the stove with a little oil and salt (don't use that crap in a bag! And no fake butter). Bonus: popcorn is high in fiber. 
4. Craving Fast Food
You might be trying to kick the habit of fast food. You like the convenience and you don't have time to make meals. It happens. Please avoid that preservative filled fast food at all costs. If you grab something quick, chances are you can find something more wholesome and natural at a local restaurant or in the quick meal area at your grocery store. 
  • Rotisserie chicken-okay, I would rather you find a store that has free range chicken but I know that is hard to find. Rotisserie chicken is still going to be better than picking up that burger. Just throw some in a tupperware with some veggies and hummus and BAM! Lunch. 
  • Oatmeal- Need a quick breakfast? Throw some oats and milk in the microwave and when it is done top it with fruit and nuts. You can even grab oatmeal at your local Starbucks, just don't add the brown sugar (and don't buy a Frappucino!).
  • Salad-In a pinch you can buy that salad at a fast food restaurant or the grocery store, but bring your own dressing. Most of those dressings contain a lot of fat, sugar, and preservatives  Get a small plastic bottle with vinegar and oil in it to spritz on your salad. 
I hope these suggestions help you kick your cravings. If I can do it, you can!

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